Fee Schedule
Season Membership Fees - all fees are subject to change, please confirm upon application.
SUMMER 2024-25
Senior – summer season playing fees - $225
Senior - (aged pensioner) – summer season playing fees - $200
Junior* - (pm OR Full-time Student) – summer season playing fees (Saturday afternoon competition only) - $195
Junior* – summer season playing fees (Saturday morning competition only) - $150
Junior* – summer season playing fees (Saturday morning AND afternoon competition) - $205
Junior* - summer season playing fees (orange ball competition) - $40
Senior/Aged Pensioner – winter season playing fees - $120
Junior* (pm OR Full-time Student) - $ 120
Junior* – winter season playing fees (Saturday morning competition only) - $ 80
*Must be 17 years and under -
Junior* – winter season playing fees (Saturday morning AND afternoon competition) - $120
Junior* - winter season playing fees (orange ball competition) - $40
Family (2 adults and children under 16 years) - $100
Single - $50
Non-Playing Committee Members - $1
Non-Playing non-committee members - $15
- Tennis SA Affiliation Fees
- Competition Balls
- Club Membership Fees
- GDTA Registration Fees
- Use of Lights for Training
- Ongoing maintenance of courts and facilities
Fill-in (non-paying member) players must be financial members to qualify to play in all finals - minimum fee $30
Family Discount – applies to spouses and dependent children only. A 10% discount applies off combined family member fees FOR THE SUMMER SEASON ONLY.
Pay on Time Discount for SUMMER SEASON – A $20 discount applies only to members who pay their fees in full before 1 November.
Payment by EFT can be made to:
Southbank Tennis Club Inc
BSB: 015-259
Bank: ANZ
Account number: 472090788.
Ref: member name/surname
Please send receipt of payment to the Treasurer via email (southbank.treasurer@gmail.com)